I am graduated from the french engineering school ESIEA. I was involved since 2001 in various Virtual Reality projects (european, national, research or industrial projects). I acquired many skills in the VR and AR fields. I love sharing my expertise and teaching about these areas.
I founded FOKS lab in 2017 to be freelance. Learning and creating innovating solutions, easy to deploy and to maintain, is what motivates me.
Since its creation, FOKS lab was involved on various projects : consultancy, development, teaching, industral projects, museography, ...


GRUAU – Solutrans

Oculus Quest Demo

Consultancy for CLARTE

Teaching at ESIEA

University of Greenwich

Vocational training VR

Vocational training AR



Pixel Evolution AR
You can also read about the projects realized before FOKS lab creation [click here]
Publications & patents
I am associated with several publications and cited as a co-inventor for patents filed in the framework of industrial and research projects
Intraoperative Subcortical Electrical Mapping of the Optic Tract in Awake Surgery Using a Virtual Reality Headset.
Mazerand Edouard , Le Renard Marc , Hue Sophie , Lemée Jean-Michel , Klinger Evelyne , Menei Philippe. World Neurosurgery 2017.
Immersive FPS games: user experience and performance.
Jean-Luc Lugrin, Marc Cavazza, Fred Charles, Marc Le Renard, Jonathan Freeman, Jane Lessiter. 2013.
Measure of Individual Eye-head Coordination Compared in Real and Virtual Environment
Gildas Marin, Marine Faure, Marc le Renard and Damien Paillé. International Conference in Computer Graphics, Visualization, Computer Vision and Image Processing 2011.
Mesure du comportement œil-tête individuel comparé en environnement réel et virtuel.
Marc Le Renard, Marine Faure, Gildas Marin, Damien Paillé. Journées de l’Association Française de Réalité Virtuelle 2011.
Intelligent virtual environments for virtual reality art.
Marc Cavazza, Jean-Luc Lugrin, Simon Hartley, Marc Le Renard, Alok Nandi, Jeffrey Jacobson, Sean Crooks. Computers & Graphics 2005.
New ways of worldmaking: the Alterne platform for VR art.
Marc Cavazza, Jean-Luc Lugrin, Simon Hartley, Paolo Libardi, Matthew J Barnes, Mikael Le Bras, Marc Le Renard, Louis Bec, Alok Nandi. ACM Multimedia 2004.
A method for determining a visual effect of an ophthalmic lens.
Patent (WO 2015007878 A1 - PCT/EP2014/065480). Thierry Bonnin, Marc Le Renard - ESSILOR International
Method of simulating blur in digitally processed images
Patent (PAT - EP2230988). Marin Gildas, Le Renard Marc - ESSILOR International
Other contributions
I am also involved in artistic creation to develop installations in partnership with artists & designers
#Hashedtime is an artisitc work which presents simultaneously the most popular hashtags from Twitter creation (2006) to nowadays. Instagram best photos are presented too from 2010 to nowadays. This is a dynamic piece which updates all the time to display the topics covered on social networks over time.
More informations & explanation of this piece by the designer.Posting on forums or through discussions with developers / writters I share my expertise to improve the tools or to give pertinent feedbacks in order to help the VR community.
Fluid engine development - Doyub Kim / CRC Press (ISBN : 978-1-4987-7992-6)
Really well written book to learn about fluid simulation (from theory to implementation using C++). This book is a good basis for who wants to develop a simple fluid simulation engine. I used it to illustrate some optimisation concepts when teaching physic simulation.
The author - Doyub Kim - mention me as reporter on the errata page.