22 May Quest is coming !
I received my Oculus Quest this morning ! I tried it really quickly (too quickly) … I will try to test it in a sport hall this week-end with at least the included demonstrations and « Vader Immortal : A Star Wars VR Series- episode 1 » (this should be a good application to experiment the graphic quality we can get in such a device).
Here are my « early first impressions » :
- Quality is near Oculus Go or HTC Vive Focus : we can still see a little screen door effect (SDE) but not annoying when experiencing the applications, not so much « lens glare » or chromatic aberration.
- Tracking is pretty good (for head and controllers) but there was a loss of tracking sometimes (environment was not quite suitable : many windows with direct sunlight). Guardian system is user friendly and quick to configure your play area limits. Video when you go outside from the guardian system limits (defining safe area where you can move without hurting someone or yourself ) is convenient.
- There are negative points for me : the nose pad which is letting light coming inside the headset and sound saturated a bit sometimes (using the integrated speakers).
These are only my first impressions, let’s try it further more before giving my final opinion in a future post.
If you have already tested Oculus Quest, please share with us your experience.
EDIT : I tried all available free experiences and played « Vader Immortal » using the Oculus Quest in different locations. A strange thing appeared ! I can see sometimes some « glitches » on screen. I cannot explain easily what I see (some pixels which change their color randomly during one frame ?). I was thinking it was only inside « Vader Immortal » experience but I can note that in other applications and even in the Oculus Home. I will discuss this point with some other people working in VR field and I will give feedbacks about this strange thing in the next post. Maybe I have got an issue with my device ? :(. Tell me if you experienced the same with your Quest (so I can figure out I am not crazy 🙂 ).